Young Adult Romantic Fantasy Author

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Where all the missing pieces go

Needing a place to crash, down-and-out Jane finds refuge in a sorceress's castle. But that refuge doesn’t come without a price. To earn her keep, Madame Grandosia asks Jane to paint the stars. The ritual steals a piece of Jane each time she performs it, creating living, breathing creatures that take the shape of glimmering nymphs.

Turns out, this isn’t the first time this has happened. The sorceress has an entire room of artwork created by her past victims, and she siphons magic off the pieces to prolong her life. Leo, Madame Grandosia’s young apprentice, is bound to her until he can find away to reclaim the piece of himself that she stole. And Jane’s stars are the key to all of it. ​

There’s just one problem. The stars are fading, returning to the cold, lonely night sky. And once they do, the pieces of Jane will be lost forever. She’ll never be whole again, and neither will the wizard. With his help, she races across Gael to save her stars before it’s too late. But she’s not the only one hunting them. Madame Grandosia thirsts for their magic, and she’ll stop at nothing until they’re hers.